1) Travel contract and responsibility
Travel contracts are granted by law n° 1084 of 27/12/1977 ratifying and executing the International Convention relating to the Travel Contract (CCV) signed in Brussels on 23.04.1970 and with effect from 14.10.95, by D.I. 111 of 17.03.1995 implementing the EEC Directive 314/90.
Azimut Tour Operator will be responsible for the services it has booked and shall not in any case, exceed the limits provided for by the aforementioned law.
2) Reservations
They are accepted until exhaustion of available places.
3) Payments
Reservations will be considered valid only in the case in which, upon confirmation of the trip, the company receives an immediate sending of the deposit equal to 30% of the total cost of the trip.
The balance must be received within 30 days prior to the departure date.
For what regards bookings confirmed within 30 days prior to departure, the payment of the deposit and the remaining balance must be simultaneous.
In case in which the down payment hasn’t been granted, it may constitute a termination clause as regards the booking of services Azimut Tour Operator.
4) Cancellations
Azimut Tour Operator will apply the penalties indicated below, in case of renunciation of the booked services, there will be some additional charges applied due to the cancellation of the services:
- 25% of the total amount if the waiver reaches Azimut Tour Operator up to 30 days before the use of the booked services;
- 50% of the total amount if the waiver reaches Azimut Tour Operator up to 21 days before the use of the booked services;
- 75% of the total amount if the waiver reaches Azimut Tour Operator up to 7 days before the use of the booked services;
- No refunds beyond these terms.
5) Withdrawal without penalty
The Client Agency has the right to withdraw from the contract without any penalty being applied if in compliance with the following cases:
- Increase in the price of the package booked by more than 10%;
- Essential changes to the contract requested by Azimut Tour Operator, after completion, provided that the Client Agency shall communicate in writing to Azimut Tour Operator, its willing to accept or withdraw within 2 working days of receiving the proposed modification.
6) Variations
Azimut Tour Operator grants the right to replace hotels and/or resorts with others of similar characteristics for operational reasons or other supervening needs.
Any failure of the Agency to adhere to the proposed amendment, shall be made in writing within 2 working days of receipt of the proposal, will bind Azimut Tour Operator to the refund of the sums paid only.
7) Interruption of the stay
In case the stay by the consumer gets interrupted, no refund shall be granted, unless the Customer Agency is able to present a clear and specific declaration, by the management of the Hotel and the service providers, so to consent the reimbursement for unused services.
This procedure is STRICTLY required and Azimut Tour Operator will reimburse only the amount authorized by the hotel and suppliers, without any agency fees.
8) Complaints
Any lack or default in the execution of the contract must be immediately contested (no later than 10 working days) in writing to Azimut Tour Operator so that it can directly, or through its local representative, promptly remedy or in any case guarantee a prompt response.
9) Participant’s obligations
Participants part of the trip must have an individual passport or other document valid for all the countries covered by the itinerary, as well as the relative residence and transit visas and related health certificates that may be required.
They will also have to comply with the rules of normal prudence and diligence, with all information provided by the Organizer, as well as with the regulations and administrative and legislative provisions regarding the trip.
Participants will be considered reliable for any damage that the travel organizer may suffer due to their non-compliance with the previously mentioned obligations.
The Traveler is required to provide the Organizer with all the documents, information and elements in his possession useful to apply the latter’s right of subrogation against third parties responsible for the damage.
10) Baggage
Baggage travels at the risk of the participants, Azimut Tour Operator can’t in any case be held responsible for any loss or damage.
11) Insurance - Guarantee fund
To guarantee the exact fulfillment of the obligations undertaken towards its customers, Azimut Tour Operator By AZ INTERNATIONAL GROUP SRL has entered into a specific insurance policy N° 553688916 with Allianz S.p.A. pursuant to art. 21 D. Lgt. 111 of 03/17/95.
12) Odds
All prices include VAT and service percentages. Whether there is an increase of the same, the quotas must be adjusted to the variations.
13) Jurisdiction
The court of the Republic of San Marino will be competent for any disputes and disputes.
14) Privacy - Information pursuant to Art. 13
Legislative Decree. 196/06
The processing of personal data is carried out in compliance with the law, both in paper and digital form, for the purpose of concluding the contract and for the execution of the services that are the subject of the tourist package.
The data controller is the Azimut Tour Operator Company.
Personal data will not be disclosed to third parties, but will be disclosed only to the providers of the services included in the tourist package and for the purposes referred to in the tourist package, in compliance with the law.
Interested parties may exercise the rights referred to in art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/06 at any time by sending a registered letter or a pec to Azimut Tour Operator.
15) Postponement
For anything not expressly provided for by the general conditions, reference is made to the laws in force.
The Italian law and San Marino law punish crimes relating to prostitution or child pornography with imprisonment, even if committed abroad.
Technical organization: Azimut Tour Operator By AZ INTERNATIONAL GROUP S.r.l. - Via G. Leonardelli 3 - 47891 Dogana (RSM) COE 28883 Civil and Professional Liability Policy stipulated with Allianz Assicurazioni S.p.A in compliance with the Framework law on Tourism of the Republic of San Marino.